Bergamot Station Santa Monica, CA
The Bergamot Station Arts Complex and Artists’ Lofts is located on the largest parcel of land owned by the City of Santa Monica.
The Arts Complex required the conversion of old industrial use spaces into 26 art galleries, professional offices, the Santa Monica Museum of Art, restaurants and artist lofts. The programmatic requirements of the Bergamot project were daunting. In addition to drainage and toxic waste issues, the City
of Santa Monica required numerous studies and approvals throughout the design process for the Complex’s altered land use, new parking needs, shared use parking analysis and so forth. It is now a thriving cultural landmark and was awarded the 2002 AIA California Council Merit Award, the 2000 AIA Los Angeles Honor Award, and 2001 Los Angeles Business Council.
Project by Pugh + Scarpa Architects
Awards for this project include: